Kitchen Table Refinish

Project Description: This client had a sentimental attachment to this nearly 30 year old kitchen table is it was the very first she ever owned. However it was kept outside in the back porch for a couple of years and the weather got the best of it. NSWWTX was challenged to make it new again as a desk in the home office. The results are obvious.


Before shot shows severely weather worn table top. Fortunately the damage was only on the surface and the original beauty of the wood could be exposed with just some hard work and expertise.


Finish was stripped off and the top was refininshed with some natural stain and high gloss polyurethane. The original stain had penetrated deep and provided the finished top with added character.


Edge of the table top features a subtle taper to give it a very clean modern look and feel


As a final step, the old wooden legs were replace by steel post table legs adding to the modern look of the piece. Now ready for a chair, a laptop, and getting some work done!


Pet Hutch